November 2003

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Just updated my resume. (pdf download)

And no, I didn’t take the time to figure out the accent HTML code to make “resume” look right. I’m too busy trying to find a job!

A great quote from John Bogle in The Marriage of Information Technology and Investing Oct 22, 2001

“In a wonderful interaction of Internet technology and human values, the message was clear: Even in this world of electronic communications, human contact remains the desideratum. Information technology will be for the better only as it provides better communicationócommunication that educates as well as informs, that reminds us of our obligation to serve the needs of honest-to-God, down-to-earth human beings, who have entrusted their hard-earned assets to our care, each with their own hopes, fears, and investment goals.”

Even though we have the Internet, we’re still flesh and blood, right?

One year ago this month, the website for AIFIA finally launched. *sniff*

I’ve been Googled?

If you search for Omni Magazine using Google Search: omni magazine … you will discover that it will list my blog as the second major link. Is that amazing or what? Just because I had a link to it, and a blog entry about it, people who started looking for it on Google ended up finding my blog. How weird. Very.
I still remember so vividly the illustrations… especially the ones depicting Dune. Even before I ever read the books… the visuals were stunning.
Anyway, yeah…I was an Omni geek. So I feel kind of weirdly honored this is happening.

This is an excellent article:
Boxes and Arrows: We Are All Connected: The Path from Architecture to Information Architecture

I’m still intrigued by the connection, and it’s always been the best way for me to describe what I do to people.

Until I try describing it to architects, or those who are very familiar with architects… who usually say “you don’t wanna call yourself an architect, you’ll give yourself a bad name” (grin). But if you ignore the high-style version of architecture, buildings as relatively useless sculpture, and get back to basics, as this article discusses somewhat, there are powerful parallels… I mean, it really *is* architecture, but the way it *should* be, in my oh-so-humble opinion.

Thanks to B&A for this and the other excellent articles they’ve published recently.

(Ok, does my plug get me some more time on the book review I was supposed to do???)