Lupus Awareness Month – Lupus Foundation of America, Inc.

I’m late in acknowledging this, but October is “Lupus Awareness Month.”

People I care very much about struggle with this disease, an auto-immune disorder that is very complex and often debilitating.

There are so many causes out there, and so many needs. But chances are, someone you know is challenged with this disease. I encourage you to click on the link and read about it. The more people are aware, the better.


1 comment

  1. judith gasman’s avatar

    I’m wondering if I might have Lupus. I have raynaud’s disease and 2 weeks ago, I had giant hives,face,lips, eyes swollen shut I also have had 6 hospitalizations for meningitis(no bacteria or viral causes in the last 3 tears.I have arthritis in my knees,also.
    I’d appreciate some advice

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